Friday, May 20, 2011


This week at work has made me seriously contemplate retiring at the ripe old age of 23. I'm throwin' in the towel. My white flag is raised. I am spent. But it's weeks like these that make the weekend so much more enjoyable, and make me appreciate a little (even if it's only a couple of hours that I haven't booked) time to myself. Today's my mom's birthday, and we're celebrating tomorrow at the Doheny Blues Festival. I've never been, and we're stoked to check it out. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Favorites from around the web:

No but, seriously.
Wanna go to Italia, asap.
Loving these red velvet shorts.
How fab is this picnic set!
Perfect little spring time clutch
This cannot be somebody's house...I am depressed. Stupid apartment! Step up your game!
S'mores cakelettes...NOM NATION

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