Thursday, December 30, 2010

Manne-can I have one?

via here and here
I've been keeping an eye out for a little mannequin of my own. Just file this under "weird things you want when you're older". Tell me where to find one!

Smile at a stranger today


It's fun.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Black magic

New Year's Eve dinner outfits, please.

Awesome Christmas card

Heck ya I'm doing this next year!

Dinner Date Decor


I know Christmas is over :( but these colors can easily be switched out for any little backyard shindig or just a Tuesday night dinner with the bf :). Such an easy and inexpensive way to decorate! I wanna stock up on those Christmas balls in all colors. Hopefully Target still has 'em in the dollar bins!

Olive Branches

It's weird as you get older, the things that you start to shop for and want. Like these olive branches. Why in the world do I feel the need to find them and fill all of my empty wine bottles with them to adorn my apartment RIGHT THIS SECOND? It's the little things, really.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cold weather inspired

Make up inspiration

Why must life be so cruel as to make us average girls live in the same world as Olivia?

Baby, it's cold outside

Welp, it's yet another wet and dreary day in downtown LA. But despite everyone's complaints that it is miserable and MUST BE STOPPED!!!, I'm actually loving it [even if I do have to walk in the rain in heels (okay I could wear tennis shoes like every other downtowner but eww) from the parking garage to the office boo hoo]. This week/past weekend/up-coming weekend, have been full of Christmas cheer (just how Buddy the Elf and I like it, oh ya we do). Between Christmas parties, shopping, rain, baking and gift wrapping, I could not be happier. Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas season!

Today I'm thankful for having a warm and cuddly bf during this omgtheworldisending tsunami.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wishlist Wednesday

I literally want every single item on this list, I feel like it was created for me for me to lust after. It also gave me some good ideas for gifts for my friends, too. A little casual $8,000 Rolex, this embossed iphone sleeve, House of Harlow necklace, the perfect black polish, a pretty lacey bra, Miu Miu glitter pumps, this perfect Chanel, and of course one of my favorite perfumes that I always borrow from my mom Tom Ford Black Orchid. And all for a grand total of under $12,000. Wow, I'm so simple!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dream bedroom of the day

Although I would never subject my future husband to living in such a glam girly room, it is nonetheless, a dream room. In addition to the size of the room and the beautiful, huge windows, look at how organized it is! And the soft colors are exactly what I want. Dreeeaaammmmy.

Today I'm thankful for...

My dad. I just found out that a co-worker's husband passed away a few days ago, and I asked her how her daughter (who is the same age as me) is doing. She is expectedly beside herself, experiencing more pain than I can even imagine. Of course this made me think of my own dad, and the thought of ever losing him is more than I can bear. So today, I am thankful to have an irreplaceable, smart, hilarious, loving, caring and supportive father. Love you, pops.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Rose martini

It's 5 o'clock somewhere, right?
1 1/2 oz vodka
1 oz white creme de cacao
1/4 oz rosewater
small pieces of Turkish delight or rose petals to garnish
1 drop rose food coloring
1. Fill half of cocktail shaker with ice
2. Add liquids
3. Shake
4. Pour
5. Garnish
6. Enjoy!

Mrs. Claus

Happy Monday!

Good morning, people! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. The bffs and I threw our annual Christmas party, this year donning ugly sweaters, vests, hats and the like. People got so creative with their outfits and their white elephant gifts, and the food that everyone brought for the potluck was de-lish. I had so much fun with everyone; I couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening. I feel completely, 100% blessed to have such wonderful people in my life! Next weekend is my big family Christmas party. We spent all day yesterday making tamales for it and my stomach and I are really excited for next weekend. Anyhow, have a great week! Below are some pics from our fiesta.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

What made you happy today?

I stumbled upon this awesome new blog today, in which the blogger photographs random people on the street and asks them "what made you happy today?" Everyone's answers are obviously very different, and reading them made me smile. I feel like so many people (myself included) complain about the most petty things so often, and we rarely stop to think about what little things can make us happy. I started a "today I'm thankful for..." journal a couple of months back, in which I try (but often fail) to write down one thing per day that I'm thankful for. I keep this in a little moleskin which stays in my purse, and I often look at it when I'm feeling blue. Below are a few things that make me happy today (and every day, actually).

Watching my little sister grow up. She's just about the greatest little thing to ever happen to me.
My parents' undying, inspiring, and beautiful love.

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."

Dream home of the day

Kelly of's home (and her style and hair and everything about her) is to die for. I seriously have no words, other than give me everything in this home. See house tour here. I'm in love, le sigh.

Dream room of the day


I think it's the sliding ladder, gets me every time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

DIY holiday decor!

Okay I know my blog looks like Christmas threw up all over it, but I just love it so. I found some simple decorating ideas that I think I might try.

Sparkly ornaments! So easy and so super cute. Instructions here (although I'm sure you could figure out how to do this without them).

Make your own ornament wreath, found here. FYI the $1 bins at Target have cute ornaments like the ones below. I wanna try a gold and silver one oh yaaa.

Super simple, but super cute! Just add colorful sequins to jars and stick a candle right on in there. I also really want that gold stocking!! Love this.

Also for you to jam out to: my favorite Christmas song, GLEE STYLE: Baby It's Cold Outside

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas party ideas


Only 4 days until our Christmas party!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dream bedroom of the day


Fab Friday

WOOOOO FRIDAY!!!!!!!! I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend! I'm flying out to Vegas tomorrow for a night, so mine should be eventful... I'm thinking that I may actually gamble so that I can win enough money to buy myself these OMGTODIEFOR Louboutins. Wishful thinking. Anyhow, have a safe and fun weekend, and get that shopping done!