Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Deck the halls!


Oh boy oh boy I can't wait for Christmas! We'll be throwing a few holiday get togethers at my house this year, so I've been keeping an eye out for holiday party decorating ideas. So far, I'm loving (to no surprise) gold and silver themes. But we all know that Tiffany blue is always a good color to decorate with...

Twinkle Twinkle

Want these nails.

Post Thanksgiving Wrap

Hey peeps, hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend! Mine was great, as I led my band all across America as pictured above! Jk gotcha good. But seriously, I had an awesome time. We caravanned-it up with my family to Rio Vista (right outside of San Fran) to stay with my aunt. I made a few dishes that thankfully did not poison my family, the guys fried a turkey (omg nom nom), and Kevin got drunk and passed out before 8. Guess white boy can't hang with the Mexicans...We also took a little day trip to the city to watch the tree lighting in Union Square (aka we went down there to bar hop and happened to stumble upon the tree lighting). Although we didn't have the patience to actually wait for it to light up, mom and I did manage to start some Christmas caroling within the crowd as we all waited (a la the movie Elf); it was rather comical. AND I actually started my xmas shopping this weekend too!! Me, on top of my Christmas shopping game?? Not sure what's gotten into me, but I like it. Oh I like it a lot. I'm so excited for Christmas woooo!! Hope you all have a great week! Below are some pics of us from our bar hop. In these, we were at Lefty O'Douls right in Union Square.
Mom, Me, Aunt Linda
Mustache Mafia: Uncle Joe, Dad (double-fisting), Kevin

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I would do nearly anything to own that dress. I swear I'd wear it to every single holiday party for the rest of my life. Seriously, I would. I'm not lying. Please, santa!!!!

Dream bedroom of the day

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Take a risk


Monday wishlist

I wish for this cutie sparkly jacket.
I wish for a barn on my vineyard to host little lunches in.
I wish for these awesome books and bookends.

I wish for that mannequin, that dresser and that trunk (and the whole room, I s'pose).

I wish for the cutest button cakes that you ever did see.

I wish for this Zara suitcase for all of my worldly adventures.
That is all. You may proceed.

Dream bedroom of the day

That bedframe...those sheets... the side table...

Table top treats

via here and here

Feast Mode

Hi peeps! Well one of my favorite holidays is officially upon us. Last night Melissa and I threw a little Thanksgiving potluck with some girlfriends and it was so much fun! Although they did find out that we sneakily (or not-so-sneakily) bought the bird pre-made :( woopsies. Oh well, our apt looked so cute and that's really all that matters, right? Well I'm leaving on Wednesday with my family to head up north to stay with my aunt for Thanksgiving this year. I'm hoping she doesn't already have a set menu, because I've been perusing recipes all week. Below are some of the recipes that I'm deciding between (dessert first, always):

- apple crisp: http://deliciouslyorganized.blogspot.com/2010/10/apple-crisp.html (Kev and I made this on Saturday, and it's super easy and super delicious!)
- mashed sweet potato brulee http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2010/11/19/mashed-sweet-potato-brulee/
- mini vanilla bean cheesecakes http://www.handletheheat.com/2010/11/mini-vanilla-bean-cheesecakes-with.html
- Creamed corn with bacon http://www.foodchannel.com/recipes/recipe/cheesy-cream-corn-with-smoky-bacon/
- super duper easy roasted brocolli: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/melissa-darabian/roasted-broccoli-with-parmesan-recipe2/index.html
-mashed cauliflower: http://www.elanaspantry.com/mashed-cauliflower/ (dad said I can't make this because it's too healthy :( my dad, a twig, likes manly stuff or whatever. But I love them so I might do it anyways tehehee)

Happy eatin'!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dream bedroom of the day

Give this to me now! OR ELSE!


me is cold :(

Kitchen krush

Not necessarily my style, but the set up is per-fect-o! A huge island, lots of windows and natural lighting, hardwood floors, a lovely stove, and if it opens up to the living room, well then I am SOLD.


A girl can never have too many.

Warhol Polaroids

Pretty cool polaroids snapped by ol' Andy himself. Find more here.

Happy Friday! Happy leopard print!


Two of my forever favorite things: Fridays and leopard print, oh ya want it all. Well this weekend should be pretty low-key, which I'm more than excited for, as this next month is going to be jam-packed with fun times. My weekend started off great with a wonderful dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Manchego (a must-go tapas place in Santa Monica) with the bf last night. Seriously people, you need to go. It's reasonably priced (VERY), it's BYOB with NO CORKAGE FEE, and the ambiance is perfect. Go, and tell them Chariese sent you (jk they'll have no idea what you're talking about). Anyhow, tonight I'll be making some crafty goodies with Adri and Alex for little Bella and watching the Lakers get another W. Tomorrow, I'll be getting some biznass done and then making dinner and enjoying the rain (PLEASE PLEASE LET IT RAIN), then Sunday Melissa and I are throwing a little Thanksgiving potluck with some old Thetas at our apt. Should be a lovely weekend, hope yours is too!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I see what I want

Dream bedrooms of the day

Chandelier and head board= gimme
That dresser! The mirror! The little foot rest with the books! Oh boy oh boy.

Me. Here. Now.

Le fog

It's gloomy and foggy today and I just want to go home and snuggle and drink wine and watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Le sigh.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Golden Girl


Gimme those gold nails, you lady!

Like a bird

Um excuse me I want this. I don't think my roommates would mind if I hung one in the middle of our apartment living room. Really, I think they'd love for me to be nice and nestled watching Millionaire Matchmaker in my bird's nest.