Inspired by my cousin
Krystina's recent posts documenting her homemade meals, I decided to start documenting a meal or two per week as I do enjoy cooking, but don't often document it. It's nice finding relatively easy recipes that don't require me hunting down a special herb from the depths of a secluded jungle on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific where it only grows one day out of the year.
Anyhow, my fridge and cupboard were rather empty last night, so I had to pull a dad (seriously, my dad can make a meal out of rocks and sticks and cobwebs, he's amazing) and make something out of nothing. And thus was born a frittata/scramble/eggy thing that was actually really good and I will probably make it again. I made extra and had the remainder for breakfast on top of toast this morning.
Sauteed mushroom and spinach frittata-y scramble
- Olive oil (2 tbsp or so)
- Spinach (handfull or two)
- Mushrooms (I sliced up apx. 6 or 7)
- Onion (a little less than half.melovesonions)
- Garlic (one clove, minced)
- Rosemary (1 tsp?)
- 4 eggs
- Salt and pepper (who really knows how much, idk)
- Red pepper flakes
Warm olive oil in the pan, and sautee the onions and garlic; add some salt and peppa. Oh ya shake shake shake. Add rosemary. After onions are soft, add mushrooms. And maybs some more olive oil. (image is blurry due to the excessive shake shake shakin' I was doing)
Add the spinach and continue sauteing with other veggies until soft. Crack the eggs on top and pick out any shells...honestly, some day I'll get it right.
Scramble or flip like a frittata/omelet, however you prefer. Let cook. And pick at it because you're hungry.
And if you are lover o' da spice, add some spicy goodness to this baby. Then plop yourself on your couch with your roommate and watch Crazy/Beautiful for the first time since middle school and swoon over how dreamy Jay Hernandez is and how Kirsten Dunst is just not right for him and what the heck is he thinking she is RUINING HIM and stuff like that.
Promise the next meal will be a little more complex (and by promise, I mean maybe).