Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You can call me flower if you waaant to

As I've repeatedly squealed, I LOVE FLOWERS. This tutorial on how to make a bouquet is great, and looks pretty easy. I think I'm gonna try it for my best friend's upcoming baby shower. Yipee! Thanks to http://www.everythingfab.com/ for this gem.

Follow these steps:

1. Remove all foliage from the stems

2. Start by holding the cluster of several flowers in the center. Start adding blooms (three stems at a time) by placing them on the right and angle the stemps to the left, forming a spiral. Tightly wrap the stemps with florist tape at the center of the spiral.

3. Cut stems straight at the bottom of the bouquet.

4. Place the bouquet in a vase with water and cut and remove the tape...and voila!

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